I blinked and December disappeared,,,,The last month of last year was full on, as it is for most people at this time of year.
We celebrated my Dads 70th with a suprise family dinner at Hillary's Boat Harbour here in Perth, what a beautiful night it was.

Now I have no trouble getting myself out of the house on time, but when it comes to getting all of us out on time, well that's another story. Much to the rest of my family's suprise ;0) we made it on time and beat Dad there, this is him spotting us at the restaurant.
Good company.

Good Food.
Good wine.

Great Fun!!
The Grandkidz, Erin's a little out numbered.
The Ratbag Boyz.
The Girlz, Happy Birthday Dad!
We had Rick's work Christmas party and presentation night and another suprise. Rick recieved this

for a new parenting program he introduced to the prison.
And Christmas, which for me was one of the most relaxing one's I've had in a long time.

Lots of present opening.

Far to much food.

Loads of fun.

Nurf Guns were a hit this year.
Well the trees packed away, along with the decorations. All evidence, bar the extra kilos and the odd Christmas chocolate stocking remanents, are gone.

But I'm sure, if last year is anything to go by, Christmas 2010 will be knocking on our doors before we know it.
Some Creating got done in December too!!!
I shared this on
Wednesdays Wishes blog as well as here. The pressie I made for
Teresa in the Arty Oz Christmas Swap.

Most of the items used to create this canvas are available at

here to visit.
Visit the
Blog for more detailed of the supplies used.
Happy New Year. May 2010 be a happy and safe one for you and your family. Don't forget to nuture the Creative Goddess within.
Audrey x