Monday, February 23, 2009


It's a new week, so a new theme, 'Music'. Come over and play.

My photo, called 'Practice'.

Other News
Well there isn't to much,,, yet. I'm loving being at home more, Max and I are still working on some things,,, need to gather some more resources. It's not a big thing, just a small project to encourage all those creative souls out there.
Thank you once again to all you beautiful girls that wished us luck, please keep in touch.

Take Care


Anonymous said...

Hi Auds
I sure miss you and can only wish you all the best in whatever you are up to. Hope to see you on Face Book some time. Hugs
Caryl K

Foster117 said...

Hi visiting from Slovakia :-)

Jen said...

You are on time Audz! and this week I am running late, had my tooth out yesterday (been in pain ALL Week!) - hoping to get mine up tonight ... Hope to see you soon xxx

chrisw said...

Oh I miss you so much Audrey!!love chris

scrapthesurface said...

Well coffee with Auds must be on the cards now....
Gemma really misses you...
See you soon...